Your Story Matters (More Than You Think)

You might not have thousands of employees or a seven-figure marketing budget…

But you have a story.

Everyone does…

It doesn’t matter if you’re a solo entrepreneur, a startup, or a titan like Coca-Cola.

It doesn’t matter if you’re selling “boring” things like digital asset management systems or “exciting” things like skydiving trips.

You have a unique set of experiences, beliefs—a one of a kind perspective that shapes the way you view and relate to the world.

Businesses that downplay or hide their stories behind the anonymity of a “corporate” website are doing themselves (and their customers) a HUGE disservice.

No matter what you’re selling, something drove you to create it and market it. A problem, frustration, or pain point you needed to solve.

Why not start there to connect with customers on a human level?

There’s GOLD in your story (even if it seems boring to you):

  • It’s unique
  • It’s free to share
  • It answers a key question people are already asking (“who are you?”)

Your story can be the campfire where potential customers gather. It can be the launch pad of authentic relationships in a world of fleecers and fraudsters.

So, what drove you to business?




We’ve all hurt. We’ve all felt small. We’ve all taken on more than we can chew.

We’re more alike than we know.

Sharing your story empowers customers to share theirs. It lays the foundation for long-term success.

What’s your story?

It’s time to share it with the world.

Can’t find the right angle? Need help telling your story in a way that resonates?

Go here for help.